Discover the Hype: 10 Viral Sosis from Indomaret That You Must Try!

“10 Indomaret’s Viral Sausages: Exploring the Most Talked-About Sausage Trend! From unique flavors to irresistible deals, discover the top 10 viral sausages that have taken Indomaret by storm. Join us as we dive into this sizzling sensation and uncover the secrets behind their popularity. Don’t miss out on trying these mouthwatering delicacies!”

What is the viral sosis bakar from Indomaret?

The viral sosis bakar from Indomaret is a popular grilled sausage sold at Indomaret convenience stores in Indonesia. It comes in two variants: original and keju (cheese). The sosis bakar has gained popularity on social media due to its delicious taste and affordable price.

Original Variant

The original variant of sosis bakar is a spiral-shaped sausage that is skewered on a long stick and grilled using an automated grilling machine. It has a meaty flavor and is often enjoyed without any additional sauce. The outer skin of the sausage has a shiny appearance, making it visually appealing.

Keju (Cheese) Variant

The keju variant of sosis bakar contains cheese inside the sausage. It has a slightly savory taste compared to the original variant due to the presence of melted cheese. The outer part of the sausage is crispy as it is grilled until it becomes dry. It is best enjoyed while still warm, and many people find it delicious even without any sauce.

How much does the sosis bakar from Indomaret cost?

How much does the sosis bakar from Indomaret cost?

The sosis bakar from Indomaret is priced at Rp12,000 (around $0.83 USD) per piece. However, during promotional periods, it is sometimes available for only Rp10,000 (around $0.69 USD). Considering its taste and quality, it is considered an affordable option for a satisfying snack or meal.

Where can you find the sosis bakar in Indomaret stores?

You can typically find the sosis bakar at Indomaret convenience stores near the cashier area or at display counters near the entrance. They are often grilled using automated grilling machines, making them easily accessible for customers. The attractive appearance of the sosis bakar, with its large size and shiny outer skin, makes it eye-catching and enticing for anyone who sees it.

How does the sosis bakar taste according to reviews?

The sosis bakar from Indomaret is highly praised for its delicious taste. Many people claim that it is comparable to the grilled sausages served in cinemas (such as XXI) and even surpasses the taste of similar products from other convenience stores like Alfamart. The sosis bakar has a meaty flavor that is satisfyingly savory. Some reviewers also mention that it is addictive and leaves you wanting more.

What are the two variants of sosis bakar available at Indomaret?

The two variants of sosis bakar available at Indomaret are:

1. Original Variant:

  • Spiral-shaped sausage skewered on a long stick
  • Grilled using an automated grilling machine
  • Meaty flavor
  • Served with optional BBQ or chili sauce

2. Keju (Cheese) Variant:

  • Sausage with cheese filling
  • Crispy outer texture due to grilling until dry
  • Slightly savory taste with melted cheese inside
  • Can be enjoyed without any additional sauce

How do the original and keju variants of sosis bakar differ in taste and texture?

How do the original and keju variants of sosis bakar differ in taste and texture?

The original variant of sosis bakar has a meaty flavor that is prominent in each bite. The sausage is spiral-shaped and has a shiny outer skin, giving it an attractive appearance. It is grilled until cooked and can be enjoyed without any sauce, although BBQ or chili sauce can be added if desired.

The keju (cheese) variant of sosis bakar has a slightly savory taste compared to the original variant due to the presence of melted cheese inside the sausage. The outer part of the sausage is crispy as it is grilled until dry. The cheese filling adds a creamy and flavorful element to the overall taste experience. Like the original variant, it can also be eaten without any additional sauce.

Are there alternative brands that offer similar-tasting sosis bakar to Indomaret’s?

If you are unable to find Indomaret stores in your area or have difficulty finding their sosis bakar, there are alternative brands available that offer similar-tasting grilled sausages. One such brand is EL PRIMO, which reportedly has a similar taste and texture to Indomaret’s sosis bakar. However, availability may vary depending on your location.

In conclusion, the viral incident of tainted sausages found in an Indomaret store raises concerns about food safety and quality control. This serves as a reminder for consumers to be vigilant and for businesses to prioritize rigorous inspections to prevent such occurrences.

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